Animal Blinkies

Sunday, November 29, 2009

We had no leftovers....

It's been a long weekend and,thankfully the kids go back to school tomorrow!

Jerry had to sleep during the day and work most of the nights this weekend-- so the kids were nice enough to just go with my slow pace. I LOVE my kids!

Our tradition is that we spend our Thanksgiving at Aunt Danni and Uncle Ricks'--

It was a great meal, Danni did the turkey and everyone else brought the sides--

I even made the Pumpkin Dessert that I found at Antique Mommy's site.--

Since Shane and I developed a head cold-- I didn't happen to take out my camera and snap any pictures-- bummer-- and my nephew,Jeff-- even brought his girlfriend over for a while. She is a very sweet, and quiet,shy,thin young lady--- maybe I will get a picture of her at Christmas!

When I made the pumpkin dessert I goofed-- and as I was adding the Cinnamon I dumped in too much -- but everyone assured me that it tasted just fine! With this head cold I really can't smell much-- so I think it tasted good-- and although I was going to take a picture to prove I made it-- it's all gone... and I have requests for the recipe! I wonder if Antique Mommy will say I can share? :)

There was almost no leftovers from our meal so the morning after Thanksgiving I went to a virtually empty grocery store and bought a turkey, came home and cooked it-- I LOVE turkey!

Jerry is off work for the next few days so I have a feeling that the Christmas decorations will be going up-- just this evening Shane and Jessica were dancing around our tree that has Christmas lights that play music while lighting up-- If it had not of been so dark I would of tried to take a video. Jerry spent some tome today mounting his antlers-- and then hanging them --
Eventually, when we have oodles of money, Jerry will have his own room to hang them... and anything else hunting related!

Jessica and I decided that instead of making her a brand new dress-(for Christmas)

- we would just take the trim off a dress and then replace it with Christmas trim-- I hope to have this finished by tomorrow-- if I can take the correct medicine to keep my head from throbbing !

Shane says that he will wear a vest at Christmas time-- so I am going to work on that also.

My sister-in-law Danni also gave me a few pictures and one in a frame of our backpacking/hiking trip-- If I remember I will take a picture -- so I can post on here.

If this post sounds off and strange, please forgive me I am under the influence of medication to help my congestion.

Jerry is standing over my shoulder,waiting for the computer-- so I will sign off!

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