Animal Blinkies

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A poem to be thankful for

Today, my husband picked up Shane from school-- and after hearing that Shane had a good day-- the teacher gave this poem to Jerry--
When Jerry asked Shane if he wrote it --

Shane said "No, I didn't write it -- the teacher wrote the words I said"
This poem brought tears to our eyes--
For this small thing his father and I are Thankful for!
(We dearly love and are Thankful for Jessica,
but this poem from Shane is -- not his normal way to communicate!)
Oh, the Joy's!

Fall Leaves

I love riding my bike in the
making pretend recipes
with the leaves on the ground
wet, shiny
yellow-first they are
green then go to yellow
I really love fall
sometimes I like to rake the
leaves with my Dad
Shane Harris, 6 years old

1 comment:

HennHouse said...

It is fantastic--like you've been reading William Carlos Williams to him!