Animal Blinkies

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I have to make this a quick post--
since I am VERY behind in the
house work section of my To Do list...
Yesterday, was Shane's first day of therapy,
and the first day of his last week of school at EEP,(Early Education Program)
Shane also got a nice sized sliver in his thumb (while at school)and requested to go home
to see if Daddy could fix it. (mommy ended up getting 1/2 of the sliver out ! )
I also got a print out of Shane's assessment summary
from his teacher-- charting his progress from 2005 till now~
I have proof that he was behind, but that
he also made ...huge strides !
Ah, the Joy's !

  • fine motor skills in 7-06 40 % and now 7-08 87%
  • gross motor skills in 7-06 74% and now 7-08 97%
  • Adaptive skills in 7-06 69% and now 7-08 89%
  • Cognitive skills in 7-05 4% then in 7-06 37% then in 7-07 57% and now 7-08 85%
  • Social Communication in 7-06 72% and then in 7-07 89% and now 7-08 100%
  • Social skills in 7-05 26% then in 7-06 61% and then in 7-07 67% and now...84%
I am so proud of my Shane....
These numbers are from the
AEPS [Assessment Evaluation and Programing System]
for 3-6 years
and while Shane has made progress,
this test is really not suited for a description of his/our ..."Real World Experience"

He can communicate socially-- with a great vocabulary-- but his emotions tend to overtake his skills ~
WIP--- Work in Progress also... Work in Prayer!

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