Animal Blinkies

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Awards and books to read-

This morning I spilled coffee in the kitchen,
and then I attempted to move the beads
(that Jessica had left out) and I spilled those also--

So, when I
went over to visit Michelle, at In The Life of a Child~
I was happy and smiling!

What a sweety she is -- she gave me an award!
I just spent a few minutes looking on line for some clip art that might express my feelings, and although I found MANY images and backgrounds,
I was not successful in bringing any back here
for the multitudes
{you know who you are?}{echo,echo} to view...

So, please use your imagination for the following--
(my spell check tells me that I don't know how to spell biscotti, and it's suggestions aren't helping either-- so please, just imagine the correct spelling! and if you know the correct way, please feel free to leave the spelling in your comment! Thanks!)

A beautiful grassy area with soft,early morning sunlight, a clean but slightly rustic table and chairs,
on the table a set of china with tea,coffee, and biscotti. There are even white cloth napkins with napkin rings that look like they belong hanging from a chandelier.

I walk over and sit, to enjoy my coffee and biscotti~ on the table is some really great books--(imagine YOUR favorite titles) and my award---
Ah, the Joy! [[By the way,the only sounds are the birds chirping]]
The pesky but loved children are still sleeping, and will only awake~
by Mommy whispering these words,
"I love you, Darling, time to awake and enjoy the day!"

Jeff Foxworthy is on Rachael Ray
talking about his new children's book--- "Dirt on my Shirt"
I'll have to get it and read it in the imaginary area I just described!

I hope that this first day of April will shine

some light in your life where you may need it
and grant you sleep at the end of a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your much deserved award, you. You've made my day more times than I can count! :)