Animal Blinkies

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Out of the spiderweb-ball, into the LIGHT!

This is a picture from when our family went camping at Green Peter.
In my attempt to keep Shane occupied, and focused,
we went on a walk and found this really interesting
spider web that looked like a ball.
I was looking thru old pictures yesterday
and seeing this picture got me to thinking;

The spider seems to have such a small world, but even it's size doesn't stop it from being a part of the bigger world.

I wonder how often, that I as a mom,wife,daughter and sister,
do I only live in the spiderweb-ball?...
How often to I take a moment to see all the other things around me,~

Yesterday was grocery day and usually that is a very stressful day, Shane and Jessica don't enjoy going from store to store to find the cheapest food-stuff. Shane particularly hates waiting in line. I just get worn out trying to keep the kids out of other peoples' way, and to keep to the grocery list.
Since Jerry is still gone, I had to be more focused than usual, and as I trudged thru the day I decided to look at the whole day from a different point of view.~
What I came up with was,
I don't have to get ALL the groceries bought today.
I don't have to serve a three course meal every three hours.
I can let the kids just be kids and play in the yard while I put the groceries away.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that I am learning
to get out of my home-made spider web...and into the LIGHT!

Then when I sat to take a break, I watched Oprah,--
I saw Eat, Pray, Love's Elizabeth Gilbert
Listening to Elizabeth talk about how the book came to be, really got me to thinking, do I as a mom and all the other things,"I am" --do I eat,pray and love?
It seems like I do, but is it topical for me or is it part of the fabric of my life?---

I'm not sure of the the answer, but today is off to the trenches of my daughters' room to purge the junk and things that don't belong

Maybe, just for fun I'll post a picture of things
that we will sending out of our house into the great beyond... LOL!

Too bad I can't take a picture
of the mantras that aren't positive {I'm fat, I can't...ect.}
of the feelings I need to let go {I need to... I should...}
of the guilt that I create for myself

Maybe I will write these things down on paper
and then burn them, I wonder if that will help release them ? !

ah, well... more random,mindless thoughts !

Please send some prayers to Jacqui and her family

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