Animal Blinkies

Friday, September 28, 2007

Woe, is me... ?

It's that time again, my dear husband has gone off into the "great wilderness"--

For what you ask?...

ummmm... I think it's a deer this time ?
Although, I am not that "into" the hunting thing...
{My sister-in-law goes hunting with the guys and she enjoys it, ~ I -- don't!!!}
I am happy to have the freezer full of meat, but past that --
Let's just say that I have other things I spend my time on!

Even when I was a child, hunting time always meant
an extra time to spring clean again, or remove things
that don't fit and pass them along ~
I remember more than once my Mom,
getting my Dad off to go hunting and
then taking everything out of the kitchen
and painting it, or even moving all the furniture and shampooing the rugs.

I can't say that I have ever...."enjoyed" housework,
but those times when my Dad was gone hunting for the ever elusive deer,elk,bear etc...
Seemed to be great fun for me, we got to eat fast-food, we got to sleep on the floor,or once or twice we got to sleep with Mom !

For my mom and I it wasn't a good hunting trip if Dad brought home an "animal",
but it was good for us...if we got things packed up and given away !

I look back now ~ it was our way of giving back,
I guess you could call it the Ying and Yang of the redneck family! ...LOL!

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